Chris Parry’s AI round-up: Bluesky Digital (BTC.C) is pretending it’s a company

DigEpisode 2: So I said I was going to trawl the markets for info on good…

This week in tech: big important news edition

By now everyone knows what’s going on with the big tech companies. Maybe big important things.…

This Week in Tech: What the future holds edition

In my travels this week I found a company called Dreamcam that offers ultra-immersive virtual reality…

This week in tech: New solutions to old problems edition

One of the biggest promises that technology offers is that it’s going to provide solutions to…

This Week in Tech: Distributed Future Edition

“The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed.“ One of my favourite…

This Week in Tech: Nervous System Override and Accelerated Culture Edition

Does anyone get nervous when thinking about technology? Maybe I’ve read too much dystopian sci-fi, or…