Buying The Dips: Nextech3D.AI (NTAR.C) hits super-value price – why you should be watching

Listen, we don’t do buy/sell calls at Equity.Guru, because we’re not your financial advisor and we…

Multi-Company Wrap: Watching the watchlist so you don’t have to

We have some 29 companies on our watchlist, all in a variety of sectors, that we’re…

Chris Parry’s AI Update: Three AI companies with real world business

Welcome to the latest edition of the all singing, all dancing, all set to take over…

Chris Parry’s AI round-up: Bluesky Digital (BTC.C) is pretending it’s a company

DigEpisode 2: So I said I was going to trawl the markets for info on good…

Real AI isn’t a ChatGPT app: Plurilock’s artificial intelligence used by 600 companies

Ian Patterson’s AI powered information security company, Plurilock (PLUR.V) does business with military, intelligence, government, academic,…

Chris Parry’s A.I. Round-Up: Tesla FSD lags, VPN Tech stock weirdness, Alpha Metaverse wants AI rub, Plurilock deserves respect

Hey, remember back in the days when people were like, “Wait, there’s going to be weed…

AMPD Ventures (AMPD.C) annual sales up 40%, MRR and gross profit doubles

Yeah yeah, I’ve been banging on about AMPD Ventures (AMPD.C) for some time now. Though I’ve…

Chris’ Corner: Plurilock Security Systems (PLUR.V)

Ian L. Paterson, CEO of Plurilock Security Systems (PLUR.V), chats with Chris about the company, its…

Idea for the future: Eastower (OVO.P.V) will be a 5G wireless ‘picks and shovels’ play

“What sector is hot?” is the one question I get asked more than any other. Well,…

Plurilock (PLUR.V) cybersecurity firm raises $5m, ramps up direct sales

After raising over $5 million over the last few weeks, identity verification cybersecurity company Plurilock (PLUR.V)…