This Week in Tech: Business of Risk Edition

Everything we do in life carries a certain element of risk and part of the secret…

This Week in Tech: The Case for Universal Basic Income Edition

The Chicken Little’s of the world like to get on their soapbox whenever any new technology…

This Week in Tech: Nervous System Override and Accelerated Culture Edition

Does anyone get nervous when thinking about technology? Maybe I’ve read too much dystopian sci-fi, or…

Idea for the future: Eastower (OVO.P.V) will be a 5G wireless ‘picks and shovels’ play

“What sector is hot?” is the one question I get asked more than any other. Well,…

Video: Intema Solutions (ITM.V) CEO explains how his 20-year-old tech company is evolving

Vancouver-based veteran news anchor Jody Vance likes to walk CEOs back from their usual ‘inside baseball’…

The future of privacy, or how to invest in your own authoritarian regime

You could be reasonably forgiven if in the middle of the 1980’s you suspected that Japan…

How artificial intelligence, blockchain and IoT are looking to change the way we think about smart cities

The buzz going around the office is over whether artificial intelligence is the new blockchain, and…

Digital Realty (DLR.NYSE) gets on top of tech boom with new Irish data-centre (Crosspost from The Digital Decrypter)

Digital Realty (DLR.NYSE) has opened its latest data-centre facility in Dublin, Ireland. Digital Realty’s business model includes…